Today's title brought to you from a lyric from the song 21 Guns by Greenday... I love that song... Music has an amazing way to touch your life in ways that you're sometimes unaware.. How many of you have a song that instantly transports you to another time and place. Maybe it reminds you of a favorite time spent with family, a vacation, hanging with friends, a prom maybe. But on the flip side, a song can also take you back to a painful experience or moment in your life. A death of a family member or friend, a break up, or maybe a traumatic moment in your life. But why do we do this? Why do we link moments in life to music or songs? I know I do it. There are songs that will forever hold deeper meanings than just being played on radios.
I'll give you a few examples.
Me and You by Kenny Chesney - Was the song Jill and I danced to at our wedding. That song will forever remind of me that.
I've Been Watching You by Rodney Atkins - Will always remind me of Caleb and how we were buddies when we was little. One of the only songs to make me cry listening to it.
From A Jack To A King by Ricky Van Shelton - This song will always remind me of being little and working with my Grandpa in his workshop.
Do You Feel Like We Do - Peter Frampton - Will remind me of taking my dad to see one of his musical all time favorites in concert and watching him enjoy himself.
Anything by Bloodhound Gang - Will remind me of countless nights spent hanging out with Chuck Cassle in his grandparents basement talking about life, school and everything else. Also will remind me of our time spent taking classes together at L.C.C.
Because You Loved Me and Strawberry Wine - Celine Dion and Deena Carter - Will remind me of a big break up early in my dating years.
Those are just a few of the dozens and dozens of songs that hold a special place in my heart and life. The reason I decided to ramble about this tonight is because music was a big player in helping break the stress from my last blog. That and some very kind words and advice from you who took a second to comment on it or drop me a message on facebook. Jill also played a big hand in it as well. She handled all this far better than she could've. She could've easily freaked out and joined me in NervousBreakdownville but she took the high road and was very supportive and for that I am very thankful. I needed her to talk me off that ledge and that's exactly what she did.
But in addition to that. After she's went to bed I've came down and jumped online. While I'm tooling around here in cyberspace I hit my playlist and let it ride. Music has such a powerful way to level me out and it never fails to catch a song where the lyrics speak directly to me. For as much as I love music I wish I could play an instrument to create music and experience what it'd be like to play just to play. To just sit down at an instrument and play for fun, to relieve stress, for the enjoyment of others.
Here's how far the music on my playlist goes... Currently playing.. I've Got A Girl In Kalamazoo by Glenn Miller... Big Band!! That's my grandma's influence on my musical taste. I could sit and listen to Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington, Harry James, etc... For hours and never tire of it.
But anyway, I just wanted to take a second and say thank you to all of you who took a second and offered advice or words of encouragement. You're all greatly appreciated and I don't tell you guys that enough.
More later... Got a ton of blog ideas coming soon...
Until then, Be well..
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