I've been thinking about this for the past day or so.. And it
troubles me.. Because Mr. Loaf claims he will do ANYTHING for love, but
he WON'T do THAT... What is THAT?? So after scouring the internet
for answers I found nothing... So, I sat down and devised a short list
of what I THINK Loaf wouldn't do for love...
- Lose Weight
- Fast for a day..
- Give up KFC
- Learn to act
- Stop sweating grotesquely
- Share his Dr. Pepper
- The Time Warp Again...
- Stop eating pie
- Learn to sing
- Wash his hands after using the potty
- Stop watching Silver Spoons
- Reading Tiger Beat Magazine
- Get a treadmill
- If he won't do THAT for love, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do THIS either..
- Pay a lot for this muffler.
- Give up wearing stretchy pants
- Look a gift horse in the mouth.
- Lick a gift horse in the mouth.
- Put down the toilet seat.
- "Like" you on Facebook
- Watch Harry Potter with you
- Admit his love and admiration for everything Tom Sellick
- Eat his hamster Rick
- Wear a banana hammock
- Tell you how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop.
- Tell you who infact let the dogs out.
- Tell you who wrote the book of love.
- Share his oreos with you.
- He won't tell you what armrest is rightfully yours at the movie theater.
- He won't tell you if a one legged girl can work at I-Hop
- He won't tell you if it's rude for a deaf person to sign to you with their mouth full of food.
- He won't tell you if a child refusing a nap is resisting a rest or not.
- He won't pass the ketchup.
- He won't tell you why ghosts can walk through doors and walls yet not fall through the floor..
- He won't tell you why if money doesn't grow on trees even if banks have branches.
- Tell you if it's possible for a small person to talk down to someone taller.
- Tell you what the people in China call their good plates.
- Tell you how Freddy Kruger uses the bathroom.
- He won't tell you if it's proper to say Good Mourning at a funeral service.
- He won't tell you where people in hell tell other people to go.
- And finally he will NEVER tell you another word for "thesaurus"
The list is endless but I think this will give you a pretty good idea of what he won't do for love....
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