Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Welling up inside wanting to get out but not having a way out..
boiling just under the surface ready to erupt like a volcano.
Afraid of what that could look like should it happen
Afraid of what that could look like to those who may witness it.
I don't know what that will look like as I've learned to suppress these feelings.
Stuff them deep inside and not let them out.
Don't let them see you angry...
Don't let them know you're angry...
Everything is fine... Everything fine...
Don't fight back, take it, roll over, don't rock the boat...

Those days could be coming to an end.
By choice or by force I'm unsure..
What can I do?  What should I do?
I don't want to be angry.
I don't want to suppress it either.
Why won't it just go away?
Just go away...

This probably doesn't make any sense.. But neither does how I feel.   I wish I could explain it exactly as I feel it.  But unfortunately I don't even know how to accurately explain my feelings. 
It's not an angry that I'm afraid of hurting someone or myself, I'm ok.   It's just been some time since the anger, frustration, stress, etc...  have become a lot to handle.   And right now, they're a lot to handle.   Most likely the reason this blog is being done.  Just getting it all out here.  I realize these entries aren't the best but it's mostly just me purging feelings into a blog. 

More later....

Until then, Be Well....

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